cnc automatic lathe is highly maintained as the star product of SOUTH lathe. Featured by using eco-friendly materials, the product stands out for its sustainable product life cycles. The quality control process is strictly implemented by a team of professional technicians to eliminate the defects. Besides, as we come to recognize the importance of customer feedback, the product is constantly improved to meet updated requirements.
Our SOUTH lathe branded products have made an anabasis into the overseas market such as Europe, America etc. After years of development, our brand has gained a huge market share and has brought an enormous amount of benefits for our long-term business partners who truly put their trust in our brand. With the support and recommendation of them, our brand influence is increasing year by year.
Quality products backed by outstanding support are the cornerstone of our company. If customers are hesitant to make a purchase at SOUTH Lathe, we are always happy to send sample cnc automatic lathe for quality testing.
Contact Us
+86 13928187729
+86 13928187729
No.3 Huafu Road, Bianjiaojuweihui, Ronggui town Shunde Foshan City, Guangdong Pronvice China.